• SMS API paramete info

    2021-04-27 12:22:11
  • This PHP SMS Quickstart shows you how to use<?php  $apikey = "YourAPIkey";  $apisender = "TESTIN";  $msg ="YOUR MESSAGE HERE";  $num = 91XXXXXXXX...
  • C# Sample Code Send BULK SMS

    2021-04-27 12:59:03
    This C# SMS Quickstart shows you how to useusing Systemusing Systemusing System.IOusing System.Netusing System.Textusing System.Webstring sAPIKey = "YOUR API KEY HERE";string sSenderID = "APPROVED S...
  • API You can use the official REST API documentation for SMSGATEWAYHUB and search Send SMS, find the code sample and change and run it according to your data. To add a new line in the message...
  • What is sms / Messaging apis?The Short Message Service Application Programming Interface, or SMS API, connects mobile network infrastructure and commercial applications. Businesses can use it to automate their text message...