SMSGATEWAYUB now supports International Long Distance Operator (ILDO) routes to send SMS messages to India

SMSGATEWAYUB now supports International Long Distance Operator (ILDO) routes to send SMS messages to India

Sending SMS to Indian receivers with an alphanumeric sender ID requires SMSGATEWAYHUB users to register their use case. The guidelines for sending commercial SMS have been modified by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India. Senders must register their use cases using the Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) system if they are physically present in India. Once your use case has been successfully registered, you can send transactional messages to recipients with Indian phone numbers using an alphabetic sender ID or promotional messages to recipients with numeric sender IDs. You are charged at standard rates for messages sent with a registered sender ID.

Senders who are not eligible for this registration process can nevertheless use International Long Distance Operator (ILDO) routes to transmit messages to recipients who have Indian phone numbers. Your message is delivered using a random numeric identifier when you utilize ILDO routes to send a message and either fail to supply a sender ID or try to use a sender ID that is not completely registered. If you need a fixed identity, you can also buy a specific short code to send messages to Indian phone numbers using the ILDO route. like 55434 or 545454 

You have to decide whether to start using ILDO routes or register for a sender ID if you currently transmit messages to receivers in India. By June 20, 2020, the Indian mobile phone providers might reject your messages and not deliver them if you don't select one of these options. Furthermore, by June 29, 2020, we will automatically transfer your sending to ILDO routes. Using ILDO routes, new customers who haven't registered on DLT can automatically send messages to receivers in India.

for more detail please contact us at : 9907922122 

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